Saturday, May 30, 2009

And so it begins...

Hey, you know that "dark fantasy with almost horror-ish undertones"?

I'm writing it. It's tentatively titled "The Dollmaker," and I'm 3318 words in - and that's before I've done any real plotting on the thing (which I hope to work on over the weekend). Up until now I've just been typing out scenes as they occurred to me and playing around a bit with character ideas and motivations.

Seriously, though, I've been getting some good stuff. And, despite having a horrible, disgusting sinus infection plaguing my respiratory system, I was really quite productive today. I had a net gain of around two thousand words on Dollmaker, and I went through a two-hour long character workshop in which I got some really excellent character sketches for another story.

I also did some "story spirals" last night and got a lot of okay bits mixed with some truly excellent material, including a fleshed out, thoughtful, and somewhat whimsical idea for a novel - maybe a children's novel, maybe something more adult. And that's all I think I'm going to say for now. I should explain what a "story spiral" is in a later post sometime; I think it's something I'll be using when I'm low on ideas (...which, lately, is never, but you never know).

Expect more info on the Dollmaker project later. For now, sleep.

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