Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Candlestick-maker

Because I feel like doing something OTHER than outlining for a few minutes...

You get a list of the characters I have, so far, made up for this story. This is mostly so I can see it laid out in front of me. Because I like to see all my hard work laid out in front of me. Call me egomaniacal if you like.


- Matt (protagonist) (don't know if he has a last name or not, but I got Borrilius as a middle name today, which my Muse loves despite my Me being very skeptical about the entire business)

- The Dollmaker (whose first name is Simon, but my Muse apparently hates surnames for this story so he doesn't have one either)

- Kirin (real name Kiruss)

- Kinai (real name Kaisuss) (no surnames for either of them either)

- Miss Pan (who probably has a first name but I don't know what it is)

- Micajah (who definitively DOESN'T have a surname, so HA)

- The crazy man who dies (whose name I don't know and it isn't important anyway)

- His daughter (whose name I don't know, which may or may not be important)

- The tomato man (who is in one scene and then goes away)

- Sister Bertha (who needs a name change but my muse is horribly irritating about picking ugly names today so I'm waiting until it's in a better mood)

- Various nuns (who will probably, you know, develop personalities at some point but until then...)

- Various street urchins (who may develop names but aren't really important enough to have personalities outside of obnoxious)

- The butcher (who doesn't have name)

- The baker

- The candlestick-maker

Aaaaaaand my subconscious has ceased being amused with this and needs to move on to something else, apparently.

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